Saturday, May 14, 2016

Baptism and Transferred!!!

Sorry for not writing the past couple weeks! But a lot has gone on!
Things have been happening for us here in East Orange! I was able to
Ordain one of the brothers in the Branch, Brother Luise Mendoza, to be
an Elder! My first timed king that!  He and his family then went and
got Sealed in the Temple last weekend! It was awesome to see them
after at church the day after! They were Glowing! Everyone in the
Branch is so happy for them!

This past Saturday we Baptized Habaho!!! The Lord has and will
continue to do miracles in his life! His son Jeffery who is on his
mission emailed His family and told them he's sad he couldn't be here
for his dad's  baptism but he's so happy for him! And we are so happy
for their Family! I know for a fact that there have been so many
prayers in his behalf and I thank y'all for that! He's excited to got
to the temple as well! When we taught him about Baptisms for the dead
his face just lit up and he told us he wanted to do it for his

Sadly I'm getting transferred... Hahah I've been here so long I know..
But it's become home for me! I feel like I'm going to live here the
rest of my life just doing Missionary Work! But I'm going to
Princeton!! I'll be coving half of Trenton, so I'm going from hood to
more hood once again! Hahaha! But I'm excited! I'll be with my mission
brother Elder Victor! He was trained by my trainer Elder Augustin, so
I'm pretty excited! And he's from Haiti! Hahah my second Haitian
Pretty Stoked!

Well thank you for all your prayer and Love! You might feel like it
makes a difference in the lords work but miracles are happening
everyday here in Jersey because of it!

-Elder Fotu
Eat some Brazilian today!


Whazzz Gooooodd!?

To say that conference was amazing would be an understatement... My
Favorite session was the First one. President Eyrings talk really set
the tone for the rest of the conference. Then Elder Hallstrom's talk
😱 My Favorite besides Elder Hollands talk. But the first session's
icing on the cake was the Song at the End! Come thou fount of every
blessing is the greatest hymn that Motab does! It felt like the
conference center roof was about to pop off from the spirit!
So many great talks through out conference! I felt like Elder Holland
was speaking on behalf of the Prophet and he did such an amazing job
of showing the power and love that the Lord has! I gained a ton from
it! Most of the Talks seemed to point to the Temple. I'm stoked to go
to the temple again this summer:)

Well as far as our area goes things are poppin!
We continue to teach Habbaho! Such a faith seeking guy and really
wants to be converted! Looking to be baptized at the end of this
We met a a guy named Dennis! He's from one of the only counties in
Africa that I hadn't met someone from yet, Uganda! Really cool guy! He
was a referral who ordered a bible. When we took him his bible we
introduced the Book of Mormon to him and he eat it up! So we are
excited to continue to meet with him and teach him the gospel! Really
humble guy from a humble background.
Sister Martinez, our 1st Councilor in the Branch Presidencies wife is
really coming along! A year ago when I was here before she was not
interested at all, but she is reading and praying with her husband so
we are Super Pumped for her! Brother Martinez has been a member for
almost 20 years now and she is slowly but surely following him. She is
so sweet.

I every conference always strengthens my testimony of a prophet and
Apostles but this last one was definitely supposed to be my last one
in the mission! The love that our Heavenly Father has for us and our
Devine heritage was another common topic in Conference and I
definitely felt Gods love for all of us.

I hope you have a good week! If you could sneak a prayer in for the
peeps I mentioned I'm teaching I know the lord will bless us both but
most of all them:)

Thank you. Love you.

-Elder Fotu

🌻Happy Spring/Easter

Where do I start...
Well the weather has gone everywhere from 81 degrees two weeks ago To
snow last Monday then making its way back up to 60 and raining
today... Don't know what to think of this Jersey Weather! But it
hasn't been to bad!

Last week Elder Pearson my Former companion and District Leader this
past transfer went home🙁 I had the opportunity to go to his area for
the last exchange of his mission! It was to so great! He is such an
amazing missionary, and I look up to him so much! On the exchange in
his area we taught a Tongan Family!!🇹🇴 The Vaivaka Family! They
moved here about 2 years ago and their daughters know my lil sis
Kerstin! They said they went to mountain ridge, and they also went to
the Tongan Ward in AF so they Know Bishop Fotu!

Last Monday all the Elders in the north half of our Mission had a
March Madness Basketball tournament! Our east Orange team did good! We
barely lost in the Final Four to the Elders that Won the Tournament..
But we won Best Uniforms!

A lot has been good on with our Branch! We are really working with the
Members in helping us in the work. A Peruvian Sister and her nephew
moved into our Area this past month and she really wants to get
involved in missionary work! Which is awesome because our branch kinda
struggles with that kinda stuff but we are definitely improving every
week! The Vause's (Senior missionary couple in our branch) have really
held a lot of things together for our branch and they are going home
next month.. Aaanndd we've been informed that we won't be getting
another senior couple to help us out! It's gonna be kinda hard.. But
our once little East Orange branch is growing into a Ward so we are
excited! And the branch needs to be more independent anyways, so it
should be good for us to not have the extra help!

We are teaching a guy named Habbaho, his son Jeffrey from East Orange,
is on a mission in Florida and really wants him to take the
discussions! So he's been coming to church and he's doing Great!  Pray
for him please!

So yesterday some how us four Elders in East Orange got tricked into
doing something I thought I'd never ever do in my entire life... We
sang in sacrament meeting! Hahahahah don't know how or why but somehow
the program for sacrament said "closing Hymn: Special Musical Number-
Missionaries" luckily we only sang the first three verses of I Know
That My Redeemer Lives and the rest of the congregation joined in on
the forth verse...

It was crazy to hear about the Bombing in Brussels and that one of the
missionaries Mason Wells played football with me! It sounds like he's
doing alright though! Still in my prayers.

We have been blessed by your prayers and love! Thank you!

-Elder Fotu


East O Ballas