Saturday, May 14, 2016

Baptism and Transferred!!!

Sorry for not writing the past couple weeks! But a lot has gone on!
Things have been happening for us here in East Orange! I was able to
Ordain one of the brothers in the Branch, Brother Luise Mendoza, to be
an Elder! My first timed king that!  He and his family then went and
got Sealed in the Temple last weekend! It was awesome to see them
after at church the day after! They were Glowing! Everyone in the
Branch is so happy for them!

This past Saturday we Baptized Habaho!!! The Lord has and will
continue to do miracles in his life! His son Jeffery who is on his
mission emailed His family and told them he's sad he couldn't be here
for his dad's  baptism but he's so happy for him! And we are so happy
for their Family! I know for a fact that there have been so many
prayers in his behalf and I thank y'all for that! He's excited to got
to the temple as well! When we taught him about Baptisms for the dead
his face just lit up and he told us he wanted to do it for his

Sadly I'm getting transferred... Hahah I've been here so long I know..
But it's become home for me! I feel like I'm going to live here the
rest of my life just doing Missionary Work! But I'm going to
Princeton!! I'll be coving half of Trenton, so I'm going from hood to
more hood once again! Hahaha! But I'm excited! I'll be with my mission
brother Elder Victor! He was trained by my trainer Elder Augustin, so
I'm pretty excited! And he's from Haiti! Hahah my second Haitian
Pretty Stoked!

Well thank you for all your prayer and Love! You might feel like it
makes a difference in the lords work but miracles are happening
everyday here in Jersey because of it!

-Elder Fotu
Eat some Brazilian today!

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