Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Flying bye!

This past week was Amazing! But sadly it went by soooooo fast!
I started the week out by going down to Trenton! It was pretty cool
driving through Princeton, never been there before. But I was with
Elder Gibson and Elder Allred! Elder Gibson was my MTC companion! So
that was super fun!! They do a lot of service in the community there.
The first day we went to a soup kitchen and fed some homeless people
so that was fun! The next day we went and helped out at like this
thrift shop sort of thing.. But we moved a ton of stuff and throw away
a bunch of couches from this place because it was closing down. But it
was a lot of work and I was super tired after! I met a lot of
interesting/cool people though! They didn't have to many investigators
so we were really focusing on finding people to teach in their area..
The same went for the second half of the week.

Thursday to Saturday we were in North Branch and Somerville! Super
nice area! I was wish Elder Larsen and Elder Cuyan! Great
missionaries! We were also working on finding more people to teach
there as well! Was kind of a struggle but we had a great time! I met a
member in there ward who was a traveling assistant in Indiana and he
told me they didn't have an a apartment they had a truck and a camping
trailer! They would just travel area to area and even go to church in
those areas as well! When I meet with president this week were going
to have to make an order for a camping trailer soon;)!

Yesterday was multi-stake conference and Elder Christofferson was
there!! It was so AWESOME!! It was held it the Newark symphony hall
and the place was packed!! Elder Christofferson started out by saying
that he was in the only group where you feel young at 70 years old!
Hahah he said that when Elder Perry would get an assignment he used to
always turn to him and Elder Holland and Elder Cook the ("younger"of
the 12)  and say "lets give that too the Little Boys" Hahahah super
funny! But I was moved by his testimony as he ended, he talked about
how he grew up in East Brunswick here in New Jersey and he got to
participate in the Hill Kimora Pageant and after he had his friends
drop him off at the Sacred Grove. He went and prayed and asked the
Lord to give him an answer to the truthfulness of the gospel. And at
that time nothing happened... He was kinda disappointed as he walked
back to where they were staying. But 3 months later he was reading the
Book of Mormon in  his room and as he was reading he had an incredible
feeling come over him and he new it was true! He then said that we
don't have to go to sacred grove and pray to know that it's true. The
lord will let us know in his time and when we need it!
It was such a simple but profound testimony I loved it!
I was kinda bummed when I found out president wanted us to eat dinner
with him and Elder Christofferson but we were all the way down in
North Branch... But just hearing from him was almost just as great!:)

Well the transfer is Ending this week so it's about to get crazy for
us again! Sooo... Don't be surprised if you don't hear from me next
week.. But I will try to write!

Thank you for all your love and Prayers!! I can't believe how fast
time is flying!! It's making me nervous!😐

Love You!

-Elder Fotu

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